NU PLAN UPDATE (11-30-22)

Good Evening!  First a reminder . . . This month's Citi-Son Activation Seminar is tomorrow evening (12/01/22) at 6:30 PM.  WE ARE SHARING VITAL INFO about how Citi-Son connections bring transformation to communities, and how our connections help develop the City within the City.  The link is: Call-in Number is 872-240-3412  Access Code:  510-532-045.

In addition, if you are available this Sunday (12/4/22), Meri Crowley will be our guest from 10 AM - 12:30 PM.  The location is UBL Center, 4540 W. Washington Blvd. in Chicago.  Meri is a Holloywood-quality filmmaker, and is a prophetic voice with a national ministry.  You will be blessed and challenged by her ministry.

Let us continue to pray for the advancement of the Kingdom Cooperative Church in Chicago and the Region, so that we may complete our Kingdom assignment of building and becoming a fully-functioning Zion.  And please don't forget . . . to direct others to the Plan for Chicago website where they can register as Citi-Sons.

Peace and Blessings in Jesus' name!